Sunday, September 21, 2014

Queen Anne Architecture - Simon Ott

I can't help it, I have a soft spot for Victorian architecture.  I know it got out of hand at times but I enjoy the gingerbread, trim and archways.  The level of detail and craftsmanship involved in these structures is incredible.  In a lot of ways they're just plain fun. 

The beauty of the style is it can be simple embellishments or elaborate designs.  The rounded walls and arches are interesting and welcoming.  I think we've lost a lot of what the victorian style brought to a home experience.  So many homes today have so little interest in them.  I've spent the last 16 years working on houses built anywhere from the 1880's to the 2000's.  The trends are to get sparser and plainer.  Despite all of our advancements for the last century the homes people live in are less and less interesting.  Good architectural style that feeds the eyes and the soul is harder to find.  In my own small way I try to change that, making people's homes a place they enjoy living in.  Creating a place and a space that enriches their lives. 

I've witnessed first hand the transformation that takes place in people's lives when they truly enjoy the space they inhabit.  Four walls, a floor and a roof may be enough to live in but that doesn't mean it's enough to enjoy that life.  Our experience of life is enriched by what we live that life in.  I think we may have lost some of enrichment in recent decades.  

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