Sunday, September 7, 2014

--- 3 --- "Antilia", the biggest house of the world - Luan Vinicius

This building is a home of the most rich men in India Mukesh Ambani. Antilia, how this house is called, is considered as the biggest house of the world. It compounded by 27 floors, and it has 123,333 foot square and 6,800 inches high. To keep this house is necessary 600 people working. The fact that most attracted my attention is the contrast between this home and the neighborhood. Around all this luxury and power, there is a country where an huge part of the population need survive with less than 3 dollars per day. And the other questions are... "Is it necessary to live in a "palace" like this to be happy and feel in a cozy home?" "Do this family really enjoy all the amenities offered by this home or is it only to show how rich they are?" All these questions came to my mind when I saw this house by the first time because the feel that I have, the picture that I see is not from a home, but from a way to spend money and expose it to others.

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