Monday, November 10, 2014

8) Heliotrope, Germany - Taylor Johnson

The Heliotrope is an environmentally friendly house located in Germany. Designed by German architect Rolf Disch, three of these homes exist in Germany. The first one built by Dish as his home. The house capture more energy than it uses, largely thanks to the large solar panel on its roof. The structure rotates with the sun throughout the day to capture as much energy as possible. Another innovation is that the rails on the roof are actual pipes designed to heat the water for the residence.

The home also has a grey-water and rainwater cleansing system and a composting toilet system. This home is amazing in that it produces no emissions. While the practicality of home like this may not be feasible for some people that cannot afford it, this home could change how much energy is consumed worldwide.

1 comment:

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