Tuesday, October 14, 2014

--- 7 --- House Varanda - Carla Juacaba (Luan Vinicius)

The House Varanda is a project of the brazilian architect Carla Juacaba. It is located in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. The house has a steel structure and its compound by glass walls all the way outside. The glass permits a connection and strong relation between the house and the outside site compound by trees and tropical vegetation. The challenge in the implementation of this house on the site was a request from the owners to keep all the centennial trees untouched. There are some physical walls inside the house, but none of them interrupt the view of the house. The living room is in the center, the rooms at the ends. In the center of the house is located the terrace that shows up when the glass walls are open. It is a common feature that Brazilian homes have a terrace as a social place to socialize and to enjoy the cooling breezes, but in this case the own interior changes to a outside space with the opening of the glass walls, this is the reason why the house is called House Varanda, Varanda has the same meaning of terrace in brazilian portuguese.

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